We’ve Just Had Our Best Ever Business Month by Doing One Thing Differently. Here’s What We Did.

Alan Smith
2 min readFeb 1, 2022

After 18 years in business, we’ve just completed our best month ever and there’s one reason for it — Intentionality.

The origins of our progress can be traced back to last year when I took the opportunity to reflect on our current business model and how I defined success over the next 5 years.

I then gathered my team together and shared the vision, got their ‘buy-in’ and we were off to the races!

The Power of Intentionality

“The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred… Unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.” JW Goethe

In business as in life, it’s easy to glide. To tick along from one month to the next, doing fine. The moment you decide to be different, to create a vision of a bigger future, document it and share it, things begin to change.

#1. Focus on “The One Thing”

With the team onboard and energised by the vision and what it meant for them, we had a lens through which to make decisions.

There are always distractions, and so we ask ourselves one question, ‘Will It Make The Boat Go Faster? — a concept we stole from an Olympic medal-winning strategy.

If the idea pushes us closer to our vision we’ll do it, if it doesn’t, we won’t. Simple.

#2. Simplify

Over time, businesses can get bloated with one initiative built on top of another. Attempts to build better customer experiences can lead to unnecessary complexity.

We reviewed our entire client journey with a view to streamlining and making it better. Better for clients, better for us.

#3. Track Data

Everyone’s got an opinion, but data should drive decisions. We began to track key lead and lag indicators and course-correct depending on what the numbers said. Facts not feelings.

“You Don’t Climb Mount Everest by Accident — Get Intentional”

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